Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Survived the Tornadoes

So yesterday was a big day in Oklahoma. The meteorologists had been talking for several days that we were going to get bad weather, including tornadoes. Everybody needed to be prepared. I have lived here my entire life so I wasn't too worried, but then state offices closed early yesterday in central Oklahoma so people could beat the storms home. The National Weather Service out of Norman said don't drive in Oklahoma City in the afternoon or along I-35 corridor. That started to freak me out. We just a few weeks ago decided to put in a storm shelter. We plan on building a new house soon, but living in a mobile home is extremely dangerous in severe weather.

I got home from work with a tote full of water and snacks. I even brought Harrison home a little chair for the cellar. He immediately was ready to go to the cellar. He had no idea it was going to be dark and boring once we got down there. I finished putting things together and then we just watched the weather and waited.

My dear sweet friend, B, in Australia started sending me messages about 6pm our time to make sure we were okay. She told me to get in the cellar and she'd let me know when it was safe to come out. She thought after tornado season would be the best. Thanks B for checking on us from the other side of the world.

We did have a circulation that formed right over our house and moved to the next town. The skies opened up and it rained hard and the lightening and thunder was pretty intense. The wind was blowing the trees, but ultimately we made it fine. There are other people in our state that were not so lucky.

Searchers are currently looking for a 3 year old boy who was sucked out of his mother's arms. His fifteen month old sibling died at the hospital. The mother is pregnant and in need of surgery and there is a 5 year old sibling that was seriously injured. It is so terribly heartbreaking. The power of these storms is beyond description. I pray for everybody who has lost a loved one. The mess can all be cleaned up and the items replaced, but the lives are lost forever.

So after the rain started and the wind picked up I finally said I wanted to go to the cellar. Harrison said, "Mama go, I go." He was so sweet. Thank you Lord for my wonderful son and husband. I can't imagine my life without them.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sick Boy

So the week started out fine. We were looking forward to a much quieter week than the last as our gospel meeting was Wednesday-Saturday evening and then a good part of the day on Sunday. We all needed a little rest in our house. Tuesday seemed like a pretty normal day, but it didn't end that way.

I picked Harrison up from his Nin & Pops house at 4:00 because R & I were going to a meeting. His face was red, but they had been playing outside so I just assumed he had gotten warm or gotten a little sun on it. I took Harrison to my sister's house as she was going to watch him until we got back and he could play with his two cousins. They are his favorite.

She called me at 5:45 to say he was running a low grade fever and didn't feel well at all so she was giving him motrin. I felt bad I had left him if he was sick, but we finished our meeting and got back home as soon as we could. At 7, my sis texted to say that his fever was down, he had eaten a bit, and was playing with the kids. I picked him up at 8:45 and we headed home. When we got home, I could tell his fever was coming back up. All he did was lay on me and he didn't want to play with any toys.

I took his temp and it was 101. It hadn't been four hours, but I gave him tylenol since he had motrin last. I checked his temp again in 30 minutes and it was continuing to rise. It appeared that his breathing was really fast and I was getting worried. He was asleep, but I kept pestering him trying to put a cold compress on him and pulling all his cover off and his pajama pants. He kept saying "I sleepin Mama." The next time I checked his fever was 102.5. We decided at 10:30 to wake him up and put him in the bathtub. He just cried and cried.
When we got him out of the tub his temp was 104. R said we are going to the hospital.

We threw on clothes and drove to the ER. His fever was at 101 when we got there and I think they thought we were off our rockers. We waited for over an hour for the doctor to come in. Listen to Harrison's chest, check his ears, and his throat and then say it all looked fine. She thought it was parvo virus just alternate motrin and tylenol and follow up with his primary care doc. Thank you very much. We got home at 1:30am.

At 5am I got up to check on him and his fever was back to 102.9. I said I was taking him to the walk in clinic at his doctor. So we were at the doctors office at 7:00. He wasn't running a fever when we finally saw the doctor. He did say his throat was red and irritated and he wanted to do a strep test. He validated us taking him to the ER as he said he would have done the same if his kid was running a 104 fever. He didn't want to give him any antibiotics as it could still be viral just continue to give him motrin and tylenol alternating every three hours. We had to go to the lab and get the strep test. Harrison didn't understand what they were going to do so it was a struggle to get that done. It took three of us. The tech had never heard a two year old tell her, "No I not going to open my mouth. I not." over and over again.

Once he did it he got cars stickers so we were good to go and he told the tech, "I did good." The results were negative on Wednesday and again on Thursday. I continued with the fever reducer. He slept for over 4 hours when we got home from the doctor on Wednesday morning.

I gave him his last dose of tylenol at 7 last night as it was creeping back up again. He didn't have any fever at 5 or 8:30 this morning. So maybe we are on the road to recovery. I hate it when my boy is sick. He just kept telling me, "I feel bad Mama."

I'm glad Friday is here and we are going to take it easy this weekend.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Harrison and Chandler the Fat Cat

Harrison loves our cat, Chandler. Chandler is an old yellow short haired tabby that adopted me when I was still single. He was skinny and dirty when he started showing up at my house and the vet thought that he was about 5 years old. That was in the summer of 2001. He had adjusted well to being a house cat after his early years of living out of trash cans.

Chandler and our two old Labradors, Reece and Heidi, have their own room. In the mornings Chandler comes out when I let the dogs out and he goes and hides in my closet. Harrison always goes looking for him. When Harrison was first born, I kept all the animals away from him. As he has gotten bigger, I've let him take on the cat. The cat has put up with him. I was worried that he would scratch or bite Harrison if he got too rough or did something Chan didn't like. Not so as of yet. The boy has dragged, sat on, showed cars too and I'm sure other things I haven't seen and the cat simply tolerates him. He's also pulled his tail and whiskers a time or two.

This morning the boy and the cat were down the hall and Harrison was laughing. He continued laughing and I headed down to see what was up. I use liquid laundry soap and I always throw the measuring cup in the wash and often times it winds up in the dryer and then carried out with the clean clothes. Harrison had found such a cup. He was taking a drink of his milk, through his straw cup, and spitting it in the laundry cup and giving it to the cat. The cat was liking every lick of this new game. I took the cup away as I saw Harrison spit in it and tell me he was drinking it. Then I had to clean up the milk that had been spilled on the carpet. I put the cat back in his room and hope that I don't have a big mess to clean up when I get home. The cat and milk don't mix anymore. I'd already gotten on to Harrison a bit earlier in the morning as he was trying to feed Chandler dry cheerios.