Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Survived the Tornadoes

So yesterday was a big day in Oklahoma. The meteorologists had been talking for several days that we were going to get bad weather, including tornadoes. Everybody needed to be prepared. I have lived here my entire life so I wasn't too worried, but then state offices closed early yesterday in central Oklahoma so people could beat the storms home. The National Weather Service out of Norman said don't drive in Oklahoma City in the afternoon or along I-35 corridor. That started to freak me out. We just a few weeks ago decided to put in a storm shelter. We plan on building a new house soon, but living in a mobile home is extremely dangerous in severe weather.

I got home from work with a tote full of water and snacks. I even brought Harrison home a little chair for the cellar. He immediately was ready to go to the cellar. He had no idea it was going to be dark and boring once we got down there. I finished putting things together and then we just watched the weather and waited.

My dear sweet friend, B, in Australia started sending me messages about 6pm our time to make sure we were okay. She told me to get in the cellar and she'd let me know when it was safe to come out. She thought after tornado season would be the best. Thanks B for checking on us from the other side of the world.

We did have a circulation that formed right over our house and moved to the next town. The skies opened up and it rained hard and the lightening and thunder was pretty intense. The wind was blowing the trees, but ultimately we made it fine. There are other people in our state that were not so lucky.

Searchers are currently looking for a 3 year old boy who was sucked out of his mother's arms. His fifteen month old sibling died at the hospital. The mother is pregnant and in need of surgery and there is a 5 year old sibling that was seriously injured. It is so terribly heartbreaking. The power of these storms is beyond description. I pray for everybody who has lost a loved one. The mess can all be cleaned up and the items replaced, but the lives are lost forever.

So after the rain started and the wind picked up I finally said I wanted to go to the cellar. Harrison said, "Mama go, I go." He was so sweet. Thank you Lord for my wonderful son and husband. I can't imagine my life without them.

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